About entering daily payroll records
The 5-5-1 Daily Payroll Entry window combines the 8-4 Equipment Allocation and 5-2-2 Payroll Records windows into one location where you can enter the employee and equipment times for a single day. On a single line, you can enter the time for:
- An employee who worked on a job.
- An employee who operated equipment on a job.
- An employee who repaired equipment.
- An employee who repaired equipment using other equipment.
- Equipment that was operated, sat idle, or sat on standby at a job site.
Some equipment, such as an air compressor or generator, does not require an employee to operate it. If a line only contains the time equipment was operated, sat idle, or sat on standby, Sage 100 Contractor creates the equipment costs.
At the end of a pay period, convert the daily payroll records into timecards. At the time of conversion, Sage 100 Contractor creates the equipment costs. After conversion, you can view the timecards in the 5-2-2 Payroll Records window.